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Pulse Check: How to Use Spa Reporting Tools to Maintain Business Profitability

By Boulevard . Nov.13.2024

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Reporting can help you understand your revenue, tighten up the schedule, and fine-tune inventory on the road to healthier margins

As your spa business grows, more and more variables will start to affect your success. Which services are supercharging your bottom line, and which ones are dragging it down? How much inventory is gathering dust on your shelves? How many hours are providers on the clock without clients to serve?

You may have an intuitive sense of how healthy your spa is, but you’ll need more than that to reach your true potential. That’s where spa reporting tools come in. Here are some of the ways reporting software can help you tighten your operations and improve your margins.

Reinforcing revenue

Before you can improve your business, you need to understand it. A straightforward revenue report is a great temperature check because it can set your baseline for profitability. The more of these reports you run, the more clearly you’ll see the trends that govern your business and the more precisely you can plan. Plus, spa reporting software with the right integrations can automatically export each day's sales and payments to your spa accounting software, keeping your financial data up-to-date and tax season-ready.

But overall revenue reports are just the tip of the iceberg. Dig a little deeper, and you can find out which service categories or retail products are the most popular, bring in the most revenue, and have the healthiest profit margin. (They’re not always the same.) Equipped with that data, you can re-tool your menu to lean into the winning offerings. For example, you might be able to raise the price of your most popular service or make an effort to push the products with the highest profit margins. Tweaks like that can add up to a lot of extra efficiency — also known as a lot of extra profit.

Considering client value

Now, you can shift the focus from your services to your clients. Spa reporting lets you calculate the average transaction value (ATV) for clients and plan around it. Not only does that make revenue projections easier, but it also provides a useful benchmark by which you can measure any changes you make.

If you know the average client brings in $100 per visit, you can easily deduce whether raising the price of a menu item pushes that number up or down. From there, you can diagnose whether the price hike compensates for fewer clients, or if the new price tag is scaring too many visitors away. You can even apply ATV to marketing; if you’re spending more per new client than that client is going to bring in, it may be time to re-evaluate your strategy.

Improving inventory

Profit is about more than the money you bring in. It’s just as important to minimize money out, and inefficient spa inventory management is one of the worst offenders on that front. Buy too much of a product or supply, and it winds up gathering dust on a shelf or expiring in a closet. Buy too little, and you give up on potential revenue.

Spa reporting is your ticket out of ambiguity. With sales and inventory reports, you can monitor how quickly you sell each product and use up your supplies. You can then use that data to refine how much and how frequently you order replacements so that you avoid both stockouts and waste.

Smart spa inventory management can also reveal cheeky opportunities for increased revenue. Use your spa software to highlight best sellers, their total revenue, and how much profit you make per sale. Just as with services, you may find that you can safely raise the price of popular items to boost your profits even as you sell fewer products. Slow sellers, on the other hand, may need the help of a reduced price point. Either way, look for spa reporting that integrates with your e-commerce app of choice to see a more complete sales picture.

Streamlining the schedule

Inefficiency can also sneak into your staff schedule. Overstaffing on slow days can lead to wasted hourly wages that add up quickly. Understaffing during a rush can force walk-ins to wait too long, hurting their client experience and potentially pushing them out the door before they’re served. That’s more than lost revenue — it’s lost reputation.

To ward off those scheduling mishaps, you need to examine your scheduling history. Spa reporting can draw on all the data you’ve collected about when clients book and turn it into clear, actionable insights to guide your scheduling. Looking at booking trends, you can more accurately schedule your staff down during the ebbs and up to meet the flows. Combine that with smart scheduling, which helps reduce gaps in the day’s appointments, and your schedule can become a well-oiled machine.

Amplifying employee excellence

Your service providers’ expertise, efficiency, and people skills may be the deciding factor in whether a client’s experience is just okay or truly excellent. If you want to step up your spa’s game, you need to help your providers wow every client.

That starts by assessing the field with spa reporting. Measuring provider quality can be tricky, but one useful key performance indicator (KPI) is tips. The higher a provider’s average tip, the more likely they’re already blowing clients’ minds. The same is true for providers with a stable of repeat clients: They’ve already proven they do great work, and clients both recognize that and want more.

Spa reporting can pull these and other telling stats together to help you identify your top performers and reward them for their efforts. Whether that means shoutouts, bonuses, or gifts is up to you, but when other providers see what’s on the line, they gain a new incentive to turn on the jets on every shift.

When you see providers who may not be performing as well, consider how you can support them. For example, they may need to learn a new skill to measure up to their more experienced coworkers. You can help them learn by encouraging a culture of mentorship among your staff or by offering to pay for courses or certifications that develop their talents. Invest in your providers, and they’ll turn it into profit.

Running a spa has always been complicated; the only thing that’s changed is how much data you can collect. Don’t let it overwhelm you. Instead, use spa reporting, from revenue to performance, and you can keep your spa ahead of the trends and firmly in the black.

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